Gopher, D. and Kahneman, D. (1971). “Individual differences in attention and the prediction of flight criteria”, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 14, 1335-1342.
Gopher, D. (1973). “Eye movement patterns in selective listening tasks of focused attention”, Perception and Psychophysics, 14 (2), 159-264.
Gopher, D., Williges, B.H., Williges, R.C. and Damos, D.L. (1975). “Varying the type and number of adaptive variables in continuous tracking”, Journal of Motor Behavior, 7, 159-170.
North, R.A. and Gopher, D. (1976). “Measures of attention as predictors of flight performance”, Human Factors, 18, 1-14.
Gopher, D. and North, R.N. (1977). “Manipulating the conditions of training in time-sharing performance”, Human Factors, 19, 583-593.
Adams, J., Gopher, D. and Lintern, G. (1977). “The effects of visual and proprioceptive feedback on motor learning”, Journal of Motor Behavior, 9, 1977, 11-32.
Wickens, C.D. and Gopher, D. (1977). “Control theory measures of tracking as indices attention allocation strategies”, Human Factors, 19, 349-365.
Rouse, W.B. and Gopher, D. (1977). “Estimation and control theory: Its application to modeling human behavior”, Human Factors, 19, 315-329.
Lintern, G. and Gopher, D. (1978). “Adaptive training of perceptual motor skills”, International Journal of Man-Machine Systems,19, 1978, 521-551.
Navon, D. and Gopher, D. (1979). “On the economy of the human processing system”, Psychological Review, 86, 214-253. Also published in Maital, S. and Maital, S.L. (Eds.): Economics and Psychology. London: Elgar Reference Collection, 1993; also in Underwood, G. (Ed). Critical Writing in Psychology: Attention. U.K. Edward Elgar, 1994.
Gopher, D. and Lavie, P. (1980). “Short-term rhythms in the performance of a simple motor task”, Journal of Motor Behavior,12 (3), 207-219.
Gopher, D. and Navon, D. (1980). “How is performance limited: Testing the notion of central capacity”, Acta Psychologica, 46, 161-180.
Lavie, P., Gopher, D., Fogel, R. and Zomer, J. (1980). “Ultradian rhythms in perceptual motor tasks”. In: L.C. Johnson, D.I. Tepas, W.P. Colcuchon, and M.G. Colligan (Eds.), The Twenty-four Hour Work Day, NIOSH, Washington, D.C.
Navon, D. and Gopher, D. (1980). “Interpretations of task difficulty in terms of resources: Efficiency, load, demand, and cost composition”, Attention and Performance VIII, Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates, 294-315.
North, A.R., Gopher, D. and Roscoe, S. (1980). “Manipulatand measurement of concurrent task performance. In S.N. Roscoe (Ed.), Aviation Psychology, Iowa State University Press.
Gopher, D. (1982). “A selective attention test as a predictor of success in flight training”, Human Factors, 24, 173-183.
Gopher, D., Brickner, M. and Navon, D. (1982). “Different difficulty manipulations interact differently with task emphasis: Evidence for multiple resources”, Journal Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 8, 146-157.
Navon, D., Gopher, D., Chillag, M. and Spitz, G. (1984). “On separability of and interference between tracking dimensions in dual axis tracking”, Journal of Motor Behavior, 16, 364-392.
Gopher, D. (1984). “On the contribution of vision-based imagery to the acquisition and operation of a transcription skill”. In: W. Prinz, A. Sanders, and H. Heuer (Eds.), Cognition and Motor Processes, Springer-Verlag, 195-208
Gopher, D. and Sanders, A. (1984). “S-Oh-R: Oh stages, Oh resources”. In W. Prinz, A Sanders, and H. Heuer, (Eds.), Cognition and Motor Processes, Springer-Verlag, 231-254.
Gopher, D. and Braune, R. (1984). “On the psychophysics of workload: Why bother with subjective measures”, Human Factors, 26, 519-532.
Gopher, D. Karis D. and Koenig, W. (1985). “The representation of movement schema in long term memory: lessons from the acquisition of a transcription skill.” Acta Psychologica, 60, 105-134.
Gopher, D. and Donchin, E. (1986). “Workload: An examination of the concept”. In K. Boff, and L. Kaufman, (Eds.): Handbook of Human Perception and Performance, New York: John Wiley, Vol II, 41, 1-49.
Gopher D. (1986). “In defense of resources: On structures, energies, pools and the allocation of attention”. In Hockey, Gaillard and Coles (Eds.) Energetics and Human Information Processing. Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 353-373.
Lavie, P., Gopher, D. and Wollman, M. (1987). “Thirty-six hour structure of performance under prolonged sleep deprivation”.Psychophysiology, 24, 430-438.
Gopher D. (1987). “Cognition at your fingertips – A cognitive approach to the design of data entry devices”. In Salvendy, G. (Ed.), Cognitive Engineering in the Design of Human-Computer Interaction and Expert Systems. Elsevier Science Publication, 233-241.
Gopher, D. and Raij, D. (1988). “Typing with a two-hand chord keyboard – will the QWERTY become obsolete?” IEEE Transactions in System Man and Cybernetics18, 60l-609.
Gopher, D. and Kimchi, R. (1989). “Engineering psychology”. An invited chapter for volume 40 of the Annual Review of Psychology, 43l-455.
Gopher, D., Weil, M. and Siegel, D. (1989). “Practice under changing priorities: An approach to training of complex skills”. Acta Psychologica, 71, 147-179.
Erez, M., Gopher, D., & Arzi, N. (1990). “Effects of self-set goals and monetary rewards on the performance of complex tasks, under time sharing conditions”. Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision-Making, 47, 247-269.
Gopher, D. (1990). “Attention”. In M. Eysenk, (Ed.), The Blackwell Dictionary of Cognitive Psychology, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, England, 23-28.
Gopher, D. (1990). “Dual-Tasks”. In N. Eysenk, (Ed.), The Blackwell Dictionary of Cognitive Psychology. Basil-Blackwell, Oxford, England, 111-116.
Gopher, D., Weil, M., & Siegel, D. (1995). “Is it only a game: The use of computer games in the training of complex skills”. In: E. Bar-On, B. Eylon, Z. Schertz, (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence Tools for Training. Abelex Publications, U.S.A.
Gopher, D. (1993). The skill of attention control: Acquisition and execution of attention strategies. In D. Meyer & S. Kornblum (Eds.). Attention and Performance XIV: Synergies in Experimental Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, and Cognitive Neuroscience – A Silver Jubilee. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Kimchi, R., Gopher, D., Rubin, Y., & Raij, D. (1993). Performance under Dichoptic versus Binocular Viewing. Human Factors, 35, 35-55.
Gopher, D. (1994). Analysis and measurement of mental workload. In d’Ydewalle G., Eelen P., & Bertelson, P. (Eds.), International Perspectives on Cognitive Sciences, Vol. II London: Lawrence Erlbaum, Chap. 13, 265-291.
Gopher, D. (1994). Human Factors Engineering. An entry to an updating volume of The Hebrew Encyclopedia, Massada Press. (in Hebrew)
Gopher, D., Weil, M., & Bareket, T. (1994). Transfer of skill from a computer game trainer to flight. Human Factors, 36, 1-19. This paper was republished by the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society, in Best of Human Factors: Thirty classic contributions to Human Factors/Ergonomic Science and Engineering (2008).
Donchin, Y., Gopher, D., Olin, M., Badihi, Y., Beisky, M., Sprung, C., & Cotev, S. (1995). The Nature and Causes of Human Error in the Intensive Care Unit. Critical Care Medicine. , 23, pp 294-300.
Kimchi, R., Trainin, O., Gopher, D. (1995). Can attention be voluntarily directed to an eye- field, Acta Psychologica, 89, 229-238.
Erev, I., Gopher,D., Itkin, T., & Greenshpan, Y. (1995). Toward a generalization of signal detection theory to N-person games: The example of two person safety problem. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 39, 360-375.
Gopher, D. (1996) Attention Control: Explorations of the Work of an Executive Controller. Cognitive Brain Research, 5, 23-38
Gilat S., Meyer J., Erev I., Gopher D., (1997). Beyond Bayes’ theorem: The effect of basic rate information in consensus game. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 3 (2), 83-104.
Seagull F. J. & Gopher D. (1997). Training head movement in visual scanning: An embedded approach to the development of piloting skills with helmet mounted displays. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 3, 463-480
Erev, I., Gopher, D. (1999). A cognitive game theoretical analysis of attention strategies, ability and Incentive. In D. Gopher & A. Koriat (Eds). Attention and Performance XVII – Cognitive Regulation of Performance: Theory and Application. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 343-372.
Gopher, D., Koriat, A. (1999). Bridging the gap between basic and applied research on the cognitive regulation of performance. In D. Gopher & A. Koriat (Eds): Attention and Performance XVII – Cognitive Regulation of Performance: Theory and Application. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 3-14.
Kramer, A., Hahn, S, Gopher D. (1999). Task Coordination and Aging: Exploration of executive control processes in the task switching paradigm. Acta Psychologica, 101, pp. 339-378.
Meyer J., Kuskin-Shamo M. Gopher D. (1999). Information Structure and relative efficacy of tables and Graphs. Human Factors.41, pp 570-587.
Gopher D. & Koriat A. (Eds). (1999). Attention and Performance XVII: Cognitive Regulation of Performance – Theory and Application. Boston, MIT Press,
Gopher D. (2000) (invited). Mental Workload. Encyclopedia of Psychology, American Psychological Association, Oxford University Press.
Gopher D., Itkin-Webman T., Erev I., Meyer J., Armony L. (2000). The effect of shared responsibility and competition in perceptual games: A test of cognitive game-theoretic extension of signal detection theory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 26, pp 325-341.
Gopher D., Armony L., Greenshpan Y. (2000). Switching tasks and attention policies. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 109, pp 306-339.
Yechiam, E., Erev, I., Gopher, D. (2001). On the potential value and limitation of emphasis change and other exploration enhancing training methods. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 4, pp 277-285.
Gopher D., Iani C. (2002). Attention. Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. London: Nature Publishing Company.
Oron-Gilad T., Meyer J., Gopher, D. (2001). Monitoring dynamic processes with alphanumeric and graphic displays. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomic Science, 2 (4), pp 368-389.
Nave, R., Iani, C., Herer, P., Gopher, D., Lavie, P. (2002) Residual effects of day time administration of melatonin: Dependency on nap length. Behavioral Brain Research 131, pp 87-95.
Yechiam, E., Erev, I., Yehene, V., Gopher, D. (2004). Melioration and the Transition from Touch-Typing Training to Everyday Use. Human Factors, 45, pp 671-684.
Iani, C., Gopher, D., Lavie, P. (2004). Peripheral vasoconstriction reflects exerted mental effort. Psychophysiology, 41, pp 789-798.
Gopher, D. (2004). Why it is not sufficient to study errors and incidents—Human factors and safety in medical systems. Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology, 45, pp 387-391.
Sinreich, D., Gopher, D. Ben-Barak, S., Marmur, Y., & Menchel, R. (2005). Mental models as a practical tool in the engineer’s toolbox. International Journal of Production Research, 43, 2977- 2996.
Einav Y , Gopher D, Donchin Y. (2005). Taking action to reduce medical errors: Don’t put the cart before the horse. Crit. Care Resusc., 7,128-130.
Gopher D. (2006). Control processes in the formation of task units. In: Qicheng Jing (Ed.): Psychological Science around the World, Volume 2, Social and Applied Issues. Oxford Psychology Press. A chapter based on a keynote address given at the 28th International Congress of Psychology.
Gopher, D. (2007). Emphasis change as a training protocol for high demand tasks. In: A. Kramer, D. Wiegman, A. Kirlik (Eds). Attention: From Theory to Practice. Oxford Psychology Press.
Iani, C., Gopher, D., Grunwald, A., Lavie, P. (2007). Peripheral arterial tone as an on-line measure of load in a simulated flight task. Ergonomics, 50, 1026-1035.
Yechiam, E., & Gopher, D. (2008). Deliberate suppression of vision as a training tool for multimodal skills. In C. A. Avizzano (Ed). SKILLS: Beyond Movement. Alinea Publishing House.
Einav Y., Gopher D., Kara I., Ben-Yosef O., Lawn M., Laufer N., Liebergall M., Donchin Y. (in press). Preoperative briefing in the operating room: shared cognition, team work, and patient safety.
Chest.Bonder T, Gopher D and Yeshurun Y (2018) The Joint Effects of Spatial Cueing andTranscranial Direct Current Stimulation on Visual Acuity. Frontiers in Psychology. 9:159. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00159